In Our Drinking Water?

A translation by Judith Turcotte The debate on the addition of fluoride in our drinking water made the headlines when the city of Montréal recently announced that it stopped the fluoridation process in the drinking water production plants of Pointe-Claire and Dorval. I retain two of the reasons mentioned: the fluoride is a very corrosive … Lire plus

Who’s Watching?

A translation by Judith Turcotte. The harbours are essential to our economy; however, their existence has a negative impact on the ecosystem of the St. Lawrence River and the quality of life of our cities’ residents for whom access to the river has become a priority. During the construction of these harbours a number of … Lire plus

The Saint Lawrence River in transformation.

A translation by Judith Turcotte The government has just expanded the size of the flood zones, a consequence of the increasingly frequent torrential rains that fall on us due to climate change. The extension of these flood zones leads to disastrous consequences for the residents living in these zones. The property values decrease, insurance becomes … Lire plus

A 290 Page Electoral Promise.

A translation by Judith Turcotte. In 2013, François Legault published a book titled Cap sur un Québec gagnant-le projet Saint-Laurent. Given my interest for the St. Laurent, the book attracted my attention and I must admit that its content was exciting. In his book, he proposed to create an innovation valley project equivalent to Silicone … Lire plus

Again, More Discharges

A translation by Judith Turcotte A few weeks ago, I took advantage of my daughter Josée’s visit with my grandchildren, Abigail and Noah, to travel back in time to Pierreville to visit La Ferme des Ormes, a farm which had previously belonged to my grandfather, Paul Comtois, and where my mother Odette was born. We then went … Lire plus

Drugs, Viruses and Bacteria

A translation by Judith Turcotte. A variety of drugs are found in the St. Lawrence River. In a recent study by the Université de Montréal, we learn that we find caffeine, carbamazepine, diclofenac and ibuprofen in its waters. The carbamazepine is an anti-convulsive drug used in the treatment of epilepsy and diclofenac is an anti-inflammatory … Lire plus

An invisible Crisis

A translation by Judith Turcotte Last fall, the Fondation Rivières published its 2022 list of untreated wastewater discharges in the lakes and rivers of Québec. During the year, there were more than 57,263 discharges. For those who read my blogs, you know that these discharges disgust me especially since our lakes and rivers represent our … Lire plus

Sources of Freshwater

A translation by Judith Turcotte In my previous blog, I described the dangers that threatened the largest basin of freshwater created by the Great lakes and the St. Lawrence River. In this same blog, I wondered about other sources of drinking water. DESALINATION The ocean water represents 97% of the water on the planet; however, … Lire plus

Illusion of Power

I am pleased to announce that my book, Illusion de pouvoir is now available in English under the title Illusion of Power. The translator is Judith Turcotte, who happens to also be my wife. With 111,230 words on 300 pages, the translation took two years to complete. The reader interested in municipal politics, will enjoy … Lire plus

NEWS (November 2023)

ILLUSION OF POWER You read that right. Illusion of Power. During the summer, my wife, Judith undertook the translation of my third novel, Illusion de pouvoir in English. The novel recounts the difficult life of a character who becomes the mayor of Montréal. She is in review mode and hopes to have the novel published … Lire plus