I am pleased to announce that my book, Illusion de pouvoir is now available in English under the title Illusion of Power. The translator is Judith Turcotte, who happens to also be my wife. With 111,230 words on 300 pages, the translation took two years to complete. The reader interested in municipal politics, will enjoy the book. The action takes place in Montréal’s city hall and may be summarized as follows:
After a difficult election campaign, Maxime Beaubien is elected mayor of Montréal with the firm intention of obtaining for Montréal and its region, the necessary tools for its development. From the first days of his mandate, with the administrative and political pitfalls before him, he realizes that his title of mayor gives him very little power. As if his difficulties at City Hall were not enough, politics complicate his love life with his wife, Noémie and his past relationship with Catheryne, an actress with a difficult temperament. His implication with the pressure group, Le Cercle de la Montréalie and Centre Montpossible, a nonprofit organization which helps street youth, will attract the attention of the police and investigative journalists. Maxime will find a surprising solution to achieve his objectives.
To purchase the book ($25.00+transport) please contact Judith Turcotte at: grafin@videotron.ca
In the family
I am also pleased to announce the publication of a book by my daughter Josée who lives in Guelph and teaches a fifth grade in a French Immersion school. The book title is self-explanatory: What I wish I had known: Advice for a New Teacher. To buy the book ($10.99+ transport) please write directly to Josée.