The die is cast except…

A translation by Judith Turcotte.

Like all of you, in recent days, I have received wishes of happiness, prosperity and health for the new year. I thank you all. However, at my age, the die is pretty much cast and I am not expecting much change for 2025 but I do not like the probabilities concerning health. The older we get, the higher the probabilities of a break in this body I have lived in for the past seventy-eight years.

I only hope to have the energy to pursue my writing. I continue publishing my blogs on the St. Lawrence River and these blogs will be transformed into a book with a preliminary title The St. Lawrence, the unknown. The more research I do on the subject, the more I am disgusted by the indifference of the population in the face of the ill-treatment of this immeasurable asset of Québec by our governments. With these blogs, I consider myself an activist and I often ask myself if I shouldn’t do more. One thing for sure, I will be more active on social media.

This project on the St. Lawrence River takes up much of my time nevertheless, I am not abandoning fiction. The writing of a fifth novel began on square wheels. I am on a third start, one which seems to be good. In this book, my character, who is in his sixties, finds his life to have reached a dead end and decides to start over while he still can. A subject that only an author of a certain age can undertake with all due respect to the literary critiques looking for young authors. They have not yet understood that there is no age in becoming an author.

In conclusion, I am preparing an inventory of my book collections of canadiana, limited editions, first editions and humour books. The inventory includes more than 400 works and I intend on putting them all on sale during the year.

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