Ten years ago a dream became a reality when I published my first novel, Le Testament d’Eusèbe. This first novel was followed by two others and the three became the Montréalie series. The background of the series is political and describes the reasons why a person would want to get involved in politics in spite of the consequences of such a decision on their personal life. First published in French, the third book, Illusion de pouvoir is now available in English.
Writing has become an addiction; in addition to writing fiction, I have begun a series of blogs on the St. Lawrence River. My blogs can be found on my website.
I was born close to the St. Lawrence and it has always been part of my life. I am upset at the way it is mishandled but I am also intrigued with its fauna and vegetation. Some of the life that we find below the surface is fighting for its survival, others are progressing while others are mutating to ensure their survival. All good subjects for my blogs.
I would like to thank Judith Turcotte who translates my blogs, corrects the English version of my next book. The translation of Illusion de pouvoir is now available in English.